More Covid 19 was man made

 Here's what we know:

1: Viruses need cell and species directed cleavage sites in their spike proteins in order to infect cells

2: Having a cleavage site that can be targeted by multiple proteins found in multiple different cell types gives a virus more targets, making it more infectious

3: Sars-Cov-2 has a nicely accessible cleavage site, targetible by multiple different human cell types surface proteins

4: The DNA sequence of this cleavage site is not found in any naturally known coronavirus species related to Sar-Cov-2

5: The cleavage site sequence looks like the exact kind of thing that researchers splice into a virus that they're playing with

6: In particular, the DNA/RNA coding for the double Arginine (key to making it infectious in humans), CGGCGG, is the exact sequence human researchers use when adding a furin-like cleavage site. 

7: There are 6 different 3 letter codes for Arginine.  Which means there's 36 different ways to get double Arginine.  Which means that, by chance, there's a less than 3% chance of getting CGGCGG

Sars-Cov-2 became massively infectious to humans because it picked up a protein coding sequence that doesn't exist in any of the known viruses it would have muted from, would show up in less than 3% of the cases where it came about by natural mutation, but would show up in close to 100% of the cases where humans manipulated the genome to add double Arginine.

Is it "absolutely proved"?  No, it isn't.

Is it "far more likely than the hypothesis of natural origin"?

Yes, it is.

Are we at the point where "if no more evidence of any sort came out, would you believe the lab lack claims?" is the correct belief?

Yes, we are


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