Tech lies about Hunter Biden laptop

 I’m going to wrap up some arguments that have been going deep into threads

1: The US Press publishes “newsworthy” illegally obtained material

This has been true at least since the Pentagon Papers, so ~40 years

2: US social media has no rule against publishing illegally obtained material. This was clearly seen when the NYT published Trump tax information before the 2016 election, and promoted said reports on social media

3: US social media had no rule against publishing illegally obtained material. This was clearly seen when the NYT published Trump tax information before the 2020 election, and promoted said reports on social media

4: When a person legally obtains an individual’s tax information for his / her job / private use, and then gives that information to the NYT to publish, that person has committed a crime. So unless you’re going to claim that Trump personally gave his tax information to the NYT, we know that a crime occurred when it was published.
5: So Social media’s attempts to suppress the information that came from Hunter Biden’s laptop was not in support of any principle or law

It was the deliberate suppression of information of public interest because it harmed the private interest of the tech billionaires who wish to be our overlords.


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