The bigots strike back

 <I>And you might not feel like you’re a boy or a girl, but you’re a little bit of both.</I>

There is an image I wish to make.

All three panels of the meme hold two equal bell curves, offset from each other.  One is labeled Male, the other Female.  The center point of each curve is roughly 3 sd from the other curve

First panel "The Bigoted Bad Old Days"

Put Women on the left, Men on the right. 

Draw a line in the Women curve 1 sd to the right.  Everything to the left of that line is labeled "real women"

Draw a line in the Men curve 1 sd to the left.  Everything to the right of that line is labeled "real men"

Everything in between those lines is labeled "not real women" / "not real men"

Second Panel "The Open Minded Days"

Everything's the same as the first, but there's no barrier lines. Everyone in the Women curve is a real woman, same for the men.

Third Panel "The Trans Enlightened Days"

Repeat the first panel

Maybe title the whole thing "Everything Old is New Again"

I'm am just so amused at how quickly we went from "there's no one right way to be a [wo]man" to "there's only one way to be a [wo]man, and anyone who isn't exactly like that image is NOT a real [wo]man"

Maybe "the bigots strike back" would be a better title?


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