Pew on Americans and abortion
You have to go down a long way to get to the important numbers
When, exactly, during a pregnancy should abortion be legal, and at what point should it become illegal? To help answer this question, the survey posed follow-up queries about three periods: six weeks (when cardiac activity – sometimes called a fetal heartbeat – can be detected), 14 weeks (roughly the end of the first trimester), and 24 weeks (near the end of the second trimester).
The survey data shows that as pregnancy progresses, opposition to legal abortion grows and support for legal abortion declines. Americans are about twice as likely to say abortion should be legal at six weeks than to say it should be illegal at this stage of a pregnancy: 44% of U.S. adults say abortion should be legal at six weeks (including those who say it should be legal in all cases without exception), 21% say it should be illegal at six weeks (including those who say abortion should always be illegal), and another 19% say whether it should be legal or not at six weeks “depends.” (An additional 14% say the stage of pregnancy shouldn’t factor into determining whether abortion is legal or illegal, including 7% who generally think abortion should be legal, and 6% who generally think it should be illegal.
At 14 weeks, the share saying abortion should be legal declines to 34%, while 27% say illegal and 22% say “it depends.”
When asked about the legality of abortion at 24 weeks of pregnancy (described as a point when a healthy fetus could survive outside the woman’s body, with medical attention), Americans are about twice as likely to say abortion should be illegal as to say it should be legal at this time point (43% vs. 22%), with 18% saying “it depends.”
6 weeks: 51% legal, 27% illegal, 19% "it depends"
14 weeks: 41% legal, 33% illegal, 22% "it depends"
24 weeks: 29% legal, 49% illegal, 18% "it depends"
When polls say "Americans support Roe", what they're actually saying is "Americans have been sold a bill of goods on Roe".
The American people do not support "unlimited abortion right" even to the end of the 1st trimester.
So, what's going to happen if Roe gets struck down?
Democrat politicians will be forced (by their base) to come out in favor of "abortion up until birth", and they'll drive away all moderate voters
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