Dobbs and the November election

rhhardin said...

<I>It was going to be that all of the right and half of the left would vote for republicans in November; now it half of the right and all of the left voting against republicans in November, thanks to this dem trick and rampant republican "Now let's ban abortion!" stupidity that they counted on.</I>

1: The decision was going to come down by July, well before the November elections

2: Tim Ryan, fresh off winning the Dem nomination for US Senator in Ohio, just announced he things there should be absolutely NO limits on abortion, that a woman should be able to get one any time before birth.

At least 80% of Americans oppose this position.  But it's what will be demanded by the people who control the Democrats' "mindspace", for lack of a better term.

Unless the Dems can shut up their Left end, and that hasn't happened in over a decade, the decision is Dobbs is going to help the GOP  in November, not hurt it.

Because a Party running on the "We Love Partial Birth Abortion" platform does not have a winning message 


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