CA 2002 Governor's race and the 2020 Presidential election

Thoughts that are sparked by "I never considered voting for Trump in 2016. I may be forced to vote for him this year".  Most particularly, sparked by the top rated comments (HT Althouse), where the people don't even try to dispute any of her charges about Biden

I am starting to be reminded of the 2002 Governor's race, Gray Davis v Bill Simon.

Simon, the Republicans, spent the entirety of his campaign attacking Davis, and none of it making the case for why he would be better.  In the end, he lost, because while Davis was greatly disliked, Simon never actually gave the voters a reason to vote for him.

The next year, when Davis faced a recall election, and it was a straight up or down vote "do you want Davis to be Governor", Davis lost.

The Democrats are pulling a Simon.  They don't really have a choice, because their candidate is an empty suit, the VP candidate is a repulsive human being, and their policies are opposed by a majority of the voters.

I don't believe they're going to be able to win on their current path.  And I don't see any way for them to get off of it.

The key line from Pletka is this: "With Donald Trump, I know what I am getting. He wears his sins on the outside...."

The same could have been said about Davis in 2002.  And were


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