Why Cuomo belongs in jail
I posted this over here , in response to the post and this argument: If Cuomo broke positive law by retaliating against women who had lodged complaints about his behavior, then those retaliation-related allegations (if true) could supply a good basis for impeachment. The COVID19 allegations are entirely different. If Cuomo chose poorly (as we now understand it) in sending elderly patients with COVID19 into nursing homes, but did so acting on the information before him and for disinterested ends (i.e., in the narrow sense of not taking any bribes), then that is a reason for voters (if they so choose) to boot him out of office, but not for the legislature to impeach. Otherwise, you are converting impeachment into an ongoing legislative vote of no confidence. As my comment still hasn't escaped moderation, I'm posting it here: "If Cuomo chose poorly (as we now understand it) in sending elderly patients with COVID19 into nursing homes, but did so acting on the information bef...