Stealing the 2020 Presidential election
1: No honest vote counter blocks poll watchers from doing their job. 2: It is a generally accepted rule in international elections monitoring that "blocked poll watchers" == "fraudulent election outcome." See: Uganda, Jan 2021. 3: I know that Detroit, Philly, Atlanta, are are on clear public record as having blocked Trump campaign poll watchers. Those right there are enough to flip the election 4: Therefore any claim that "of course the election was honest and fair, and anyone who claims otherwise is a nut" is a statement utterly lacking in principle or value, and to make that claim is to self identify as a nut. 5: In 2016 there were ~60k "indefinitely confined" absentee voters in WI (IC voters can vote absentee without providing State issued photo ID. All others have to provide it, and thus prove they're actual real peop...