How do we get out of this? 1: Stop defining "merit" by credentials. Acknowledge the reality that America's (in reality, the entire West's) "meritocratic elite" is a dumpster fire of failure, at least when it comes to improving society, rather than their own person situations. 2: Not all important jobs require a college degree. Plumber is a lot more important than HR Clerk 3: Break the power of the gatekeepers. Companies started requiring college degrees because "anti-discrimination" law pushed them for honestly rating their employees themselves. So: A: Dump all current anti-discrimination law B: New rules: i: You may not hire, fire, promote, or demote based upon skin color or national origin. You may give plus factors to people who are American citizens, you may not give minus factors for that, or plus factors for non-US citizens ii: You MAY add extra recruiting to bring in "underrepresented" groups. a: You must publicly state what...