Kentucky study of Covid resistance among previous infected is a bad study
Israeli study : Natural immunity better than vaccine. The dishonest press release for the Kentucky study Kentucky Study : Overall, 246 case-patients met eligibility requirements and were successfully matched by age, sex, and date of initial infection with 492 controls. Among the population included in the analysis, 60.6% were female, and 204 (82.9%) case-patients were initially infected during October–December 2020 ( Table 1 ). Among case-patients, 20.3% were fully vaccinated, compared with 34.3% of controls This study found that among Kentucky residents who were previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 in 2020 , those who were unvaccinated against COVID-19 had significantly higher likelihood of reinfection during May and June 2021. This finding supports the CDC recommendation that all eligible persons be offered COVID-19 vaccination, regardless of previous SARS-CoV-2 infection status. So, the study does not compare "people who previously had covid" with "people who d...